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Olio Ozonizzato:
Olio & Crema Corpo


I prodotti della linea Ozonrelive Corpo a base di olio ozonizzato (olio di oliva biologico italiano), grazie ad un lunghissimo e attento processo di gorgogliamento con ozono si arricchiscono di Ozonidi stabili nel tempo senza l’uso di conservanti. Gli ozonidi hanno la capacità di rilasciare alla pelle Ossigeno al fine di stimolare la crescita e la vitalità di nuove cellule.

Alimentiamo il nostro corpo di ossigeno, non attraverso i polmoni, ma direttamente dove serve, la pelle del nostro corpo.


Benessere con olio ozonizzato

(Olio d’Oliva Biologico Italiano)


L’olio di oliva ozonizzato aumenta la circolazione del sangue a livello periferico contrastando e prevenendo la formazione della cellulite, favorisce l’eliminazione delle cellule morte e l’ossigenazione dei tessuti, rendendo la pelle più tonica e liscia. L’olio moltiplica gli effetti dei principi attivi contenuti nei vari prodotti cosmetici, aumentando così l’efficacia degli stessi.

Ozonrelive linea Corpo

Ozonrelive Olio Ozonizzato Corpo 

È un olio professionale da massaggio, idratante, nutriente e tonificante; in grado di rivitalizzare le pelli secche e screpolate così come di regolare la produzione di sebo delle pelli grasse.


Olio Ozonizzato Corpo PLUS
È la formula potenziato di Ozonrelive Olio Corpo, con due nuovi elementi naturali: Calendula e Acido Alfalipoico.


Ozonated oil:
Oil & Body Cream


The products of the Ozonrelive Body line based on ozonated oil (Italian organic olive oil), thanks to a very long and careful bubbling process with ozone, are enriched with Ozonides stable over time without the use of preservatives. Ozonides have the ability to release oxygen to the skin in order to stimulate the growth and vitality of new cells.

We feed our body with oxygen, not through the lungs, but directly where it is needed, the skin of our body.


Wellness with ozonated oil
(Italian Organic Olive Oil)


Ozonated olive oil increases blood circulation at the peripheral level, counteracting and preventing the formation of cellulite, it favors the elimination of dead cells and the oxygenation of the tissues, making the skin more toned and smooth. It is also an excellent adjuvant in the care of well-being and carries out an important anti-aging activity. The oil multiplies the effects of the active ingredients contained in the various cosmetic products, thus increasing their effectiveness.

The use of ozonated olive oil thus becomes a detoxifying treatment to counteract the damage caused by pollution, chronological aging, cold and exposure to UV rays thanks to active oxygen and ozonides.


Ozonrelive Body line:


Ozonrelive Ozonated Body Oil is a professional massage oil, moisturizing, nourishing and toning; able to revitalize dry and chapped skin as well as regulate the sebum production of oily skin.




The Ozonized Body Oil PLUS is the enhanced formula of Ozonrelive Body Oil, with two new natural elements: Calendula and Alfalipoic Acid.




Instead, Ozonrelive Cell-Reducing treatment has been devised to combat cellulite. The organic oxygen-ozone cream activates the microcirculation with a draining, decongestant and local oxygenation effect, the same effects that would be obtained with ozone therapy. The other components of the cream, Caffeine, Centella Asiatica, Arnica Montana and Horse Chestnut, reach their target better and therefore are able to function at 100% of their potential, as if they were injected with mesotherapy.

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